Nintendo DS

One night, I was up untill midnight, playing my ds with a friend, and all of the sudden, I dropped my ds on the ground. The two screens broke apart, with all of the wires broken, the plastic was shattered. The next day, I was going to get a brand new ds, when I realized it would be cheaper to get it online via Kijiji. I searched "Used nintendo DS", and there were alot of expensive matches. I kept on scrolling down, until I found one for the price of 60$. I bought it and about a week later, recieved it. I opened the box, and saw, it was a bright neon green colour on top and black on the bottom. I noticed, there was a cartrage inside the back, so I popped it out, it had no sticker. I put the game back in, and started the ds. It started normaly, but the colour was inverted. I checked the options, and the username was "dondoit" the birthday was september 11, 2009. dondoit's favorite colour was red. I restarted the ds and looked at the game. It was named "Pokemon" and after that, there was a line of glichy text fragments. I pulled out the stylus, which was made of bone. I simply passed it off, and started the game. I really wish I didn't do that. The game started up, and I found out this was pokemon diamond. I looked down toward dialga, only to find a photo of a mangled human corpse, dressed up as ash, I started the game. My screen went black, and my ds crashed